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PrejuryII_DoğaCanATA by Doğa Can Ata on Scribd
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Last two post are about themes and some important architectural quality of museums. In this post, there are some opinions about program of the museum in the light of discussions about museum. There are some criterias for creating strong connection between theme and space which are examined in the light of gathering space, organization, function and arrangement. 1.Citizenship and Cosmopolitanism This is one of the most critical issue to debate for especially Turkey. Accepting someone as citizenship is still valid topic for Turkey. If museum's one aim is providing social cohesion, gathering space is essential place for this theme. Every presentation should around these gathering space and when visitors reach this place, they should acquire different experimentation. For arrangement of pieces, there should be chronological order rather than hierarchical order because hierarchical presentation create different problems about content. Function of space is not contain obligatory ex...


Museum is not only place for presenting some historical or artistic pieces/works. It promises much more than that. It can be accept as way of illustrate evolution of architecture and their architectural qualities differ from themselves with their spectacular and unrepeatable quality.  There may be also concern about conveying symbloic information and articulation an aesthetic experience. In that point theme define things much clearly. With theme, characterization of museum give meaning. Gathering space and organization of spaces are primitive decisions which are comes from theme. Grid system is one classical method in there. It provide both positive and negative quality in there. With grid system, it is impossible to visit orderly sequence. This kind of freedom provide maximum randomness in the pattern of movement and experience. Sainsbury Wing Museum is one example for this kind of experimentation. On the other hand, Castlevecchio Museum plan to show discrete experiences...


To better decision, it is important to understand near vicinity of the site. Gainings of surroundings is one important topic. Location of the site is create kind of a boundary. Information about İstiklal Street and Kasımpaşa Stadium are totatlly different and site stands between them. So choosen theme should be care these contrast surroundings and behave in the light of them. Other input is about museology. Presenting 19th centuries' items in 21th century create another debate in there. With technologial development, information becomes a thing which is easily accessible. And for instance people can make research about any historical pieces with internet. More, some museums has online travel option. There may not be physical resemblence but virtual resemblence may satisfy some of people. This situation lead to re-think about future of the museums. Selection of what presented creates another discussion in there. Should it be part of local context or whether there is an...


Library of Alexandria accept as beginning of museum history. Aim of the library is quite simple at that point: try to reach whole written sources and collect them into one place. Approach to library is not only relate with collecting something. Library also use for discover something. Thats why this library surround with arbitarium. Other discoveries, especially math and geography, in library have crucial role for Alexandria city. All of these factors attract philosophers, mathematicians and who interest with art, science and, literature. Participation of important people gain importance to the city and it is possible to say that this situation create cultural war between enemies. Unfortunately, most collections of Alexandria burns in fire and few things transfer to next generations. Collecting something has reach its value with Crusade in Europe. For these era, value of collection pieces measure with its weight. And melting is one process at that point. There are some holy object...

Prejury III: Models