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Museum is not only place for presenting some historical or artistic pieces/works. It promises much more than that. It can be accept as way of illustrate evolution of architecture and their architectural qualities differ from themselves with their spectacular and unrepeatable quality.  There may be also concern about conveying symbloic information and articulation an aesthetic experience. In that point theme define things much clearly. With theme, characterization of museum give meaning. Gathering space and organization of spaces are primitive decisions which are comes from theme.
Grid system is one classical method in there. It provide both positive and negative quality in there. With grid system, it is impossible to visit orderly sequence. This kind of freedom provide maximum randomness in the pattern of movement and experience. Sainsbury Wing Museum is one example for this kind of experimentation.

On the other hand, Castlevecchio Museum plan to show discrete experiences. There are main sequence and sub sequences. With this method, spatial structure allows alternative route choices.

In this discussion, gathering space of museum has decisive role. They are reference point of spatial sequence and lead to orientation. It may use for integration core of the gallery. For this kind of decision, there is two way:

1. Enforcing movement and Guiding visitor's exploration

2. Permitting movement and Empowering visitor

This decision also lead to define meaning of the space. If aim of the space distributing visitors, it create sociofugal effect. Tate museum has this kind of space in itself.

If the aim is bringin people together, there should be sociopetal space and it is possible to see this kind of spaces in previous examples.

Social and Informational Function

Deciding which one of these functions become first aim is another key point in there. This decision also lead to hierarchy, axiality, perspective, integration, connectivity,c control andthis kind of decisions. Interaction between space and display also affect from this function decision. Space may use for increasing impact of objects or architecture of museum show itself directly. 

Hierarchical spatial organization may also lead to visitors of museum. With this method, some spaces privileged from others but have relation with them. Visibility and Network are important factor to think. Or there may also dead ends. They lead to obligatory circulation system and there should be strong connection to increase communication between surroundings.

Arrangement of pieces another medium for decision. What chronological presentation provide is different than what conceptual presentation. In there, we encounter with two model of Museums.
1.Long Model Museums
  • Control the information
  • Reduce exploratory aspect
  • Conservative way of using space
  • Restrict relation
2.Short Model Museums
  • Asymmetric arrangement
  • Invisible architecture
  • Variety in the morphology of space



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