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To better decision, it is important to understand near vicinity of the site. Gainings of surroundings is one important topic. Location of the site is create kind of a boundary. Information about İstiklal Street and Kasımpaşa Stadium are totatlly different and site stands between them. So choosen theme should be care these contrast surroundings and behave in the light of them.

Other input is about museology. Presenting 19th centuries' items in 21th century create another debate in there. With technologial development, information becomes a thing which is easily accessible. And for instance people can make research about any historical pieces with internet. More, some museums has online travel option. There may not be physical resemblence but virtual resemblence may satisfy some of people. This situation lead to re-think about future of the museums.

Selection of what presented creates another discussion in there. Should it be part of local context or whether there is any preference like reaching global knowledge or not questions are important inputs to shape themes of museum. This situation adressing us to audiences. Civil engagement and social cohesion are the things specify future of museum. So, museum idea should plan not only today but also future. Presentation types and materials should also care future audiences. Utopic attempts may help at that point.

Approach about museums can be accept as third places. They are neither work nor home. It is kind of neutral community space. Generally they have low cost barrier places and rich in content and experience. Content of museum should fulfill these rich experience. When 19th centuries' conditions and potential visitors meet at one point selected themes may reveal.

Citizenship and Cosmopolitanism

French revolution has huge impact for every nations. This revolution bring some positive and negative qualities. For museology, it leads to find nations history. In these findings, there are also other civilizations' traces are founded and they are also shown in museums. İstanbul is unique city in that manner. There are several civilizations settle in these lands and it is not surprising to encounter with their traces. There may be some museums which plan to present them but location of site is important factor at that point. Easily accessibility of site increase potential of museum about this topic and also distance to istiklal caddesi makes situation more clear. Cosmopolitan manner is directly match with istiklal caddesi because of its population which include several races. Gathering them in one single point may be work with museum.

For City Approach, citizenship issue become more interesting in nineteenth century.Even Muslims were majority community of the city, there is no domination of muslim in these times. There is important ratio of non muslims and foreigners according to researchs. This issue can be a nice way to approach for citizenship. Further analyses about site says more than this information in there. Around Galata Pera and Tophane, Muslims are minority and Ottoman non-muslims and Foreigners are primary users of the site. This is one of the reasons for development difference between Pera and Historical Peninsula. Approach about these issues have key role at that point.

British Museum has part about it like museum of citizen and it can be a guide even it include much wider time to present. Works are come from different place of Britain and Museum collect whole of them. 

War And Immigration

19th century include lots of war memory in itself. Especially for ottoman empire, these wars don't finish with happy ending. Some memories about war still protect in Topkapı palace but lots of them can not display to visitors. Topography of the site is quite suitable for open- air museum idea and while built something like that, using war machines with true lighting method may create different type of museum.

At that point, this theme can easily create connection with Citizenship and cosmopolitanism theme. War affect population ratio directly in İstanbul and this kind of connection may help to create stronger relation between themes.

Imperial War museum is one of the nicest example to examine.

Arts And Crafts

Other two theme use guide as historical memories and arts and crafts is nice theme for modernity.


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