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Library of Alexandria accept as beginning of museum history. Aim of the library is quite simple at that point: try to reach whole written sources and collect them into one place. Approach to library is not only relate with collecting something. Library also use for discover something. Thats why this library surround with arbitarium. Other discoveries, especially math and geography, in library have crucial role for Alexandria city. All of these factors attract philosophers, mathematicians and who interest with art, science and, literature. Participation of important people gain importance to the city and it is possible to say that this situation create cultural war between enemies. Unfortunately, most collections of Alexandria burns in fire and few things transfer to next generations.

Collecting something has reach its value with Crusade in Europe. For these era, value of collection pieces measure with its weight. And melting is one process at that point. There are some holy object for christianity and who reach these things also hold power in their hands. France collect them in Saint-Chapelle.

For Middle age, definition of beauty is directly relate with object's miraculousness view. Jewels and gems are important part of collection for middle age. And all of these precious items dedicate to god.


After churchs and palace's interest about collect something, approach about museum give new meanings. Collector's aim more than vanity or puissance. They create their own world with their collections. Each collection has its own language and there is extra labor for protecting something. Most of cabinet of curiosities are not open to public. Collectors only show it to professionals. This is one of the main difference between cabinet and museum. There is interest for unusual things and it is not possible to talk about limits. If something is very rare or different it can be part of cabinet. Naturalia, artificalia, scientifica, exotica, automata, mirablia, bibliotecha are main categories which specify cabinets and it is totally depend on interest of owner. And owner can be anyone. I.Francis and II. Rudolf are also have their own cabinets. According to Julius von Schloser only Italy create difference in collection in these times.

Importance of Italy directly relate with their approach. Cabinets are directly designed with desire of owner but for Italy there are some regards like classsification, comparision, authentification and examination. Ulise Aldrovandi's Museum is one example which fulfill these needs. Works about animals and plants are main part of museum.


In Each stage Museum and collecting something serve some purposes. While church use it to canonize the God, owners of cabinets use it to create their little world. For Medici family, museum and collections are way of dignifying themselves. In the light of museology, they create connection with kingdoms and have relation with nobles. This situation leads to consciousness about collections and approach to artists gain respect. This respect create new job for artists : managing process of museology which is curator. Thus all of these labors seperate craft and art. 

Galeria degli Uffizi is one of the important place for museology. Primary design principle of place is about management. After serve for Medici family, place used as Galeria and first example in its category. Place have two different identity after it turned into Galeria. One of them is desire of Medici and other one is modern discipline of museology after place was deprivatized by last Medici, Anna Maria Luisa. Thanks to this decision, Italy still have Medici collections in their own place.

Studiolo is another important heritage from Renaissance era at that point. Where they examine part of collections and create meanings on them happen in studiolo.


After kingdom collections share with public, museology gain new meanings. Most of national museums share same idea: exhibiting kingdom's collection with modern context. Paris has crucial role for 19th century museology. After monarchy lost its position in France, folk capture kingdom's collections and use Louvre Palace as museum and exhibit them in there. Other political issues affect situation of Louvre museum and there was problem occur between authority and bourgeosis but with final agreement, French people again become owner of the museum.
In there, how museology competition progress is important. Before national museums Medici and Florence are leader of cultural race but with last medici it is possible to say that Paris and French people change this situation. French queens who are member of Medici family has important role in there. They commanded to build palaces and after their death, these palaces turned into a museum. Luxemburg palace is one of them and it create huge impact on museology history.
After Luxemburg Palace turn into museum, politic issues affect museum and some collections had to return their own land. After most of pieces return, Luxemburg museum change their viewpoint about what should be collect. Curators started to accept modern art pieces and exhibit them in museum. This is one of the most important milestone for modern museums and most of them directly affect from this issue. Because it lead to unexpected improvement.

So, how America capture leadership of museology? This question has some similarities between cabinet of curiosities. Answer is simple: money. After industrialization, rich people of America interest with cultural things. Their income is really help them to transfer important collectives into America and they create their own museums. But in that point some debate occur about whether their labor is emulating something or stealing something from its origin. Because none of works are relate with America when museums opened and they also harm some cabinet of curiosities. As is mentioned before, each curiosities has their own language which is create by its owner and when American investors buy something random from them, integrity start to disappear from these cabinets and objects can not create meaning with its loneliness. All of these debates still refresh and it is possible to say that they can not lose their position after they can not return their homeland.


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