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Evolution of site plans

Each design have some process. Like our sites plan. With first prejury, how will be progress is giving some meanings. First of all, we give more attention to the green areas outside of the area. How it shaped is another problem for us but we try to find some specific solutions for them. So lets start with what is our ideas and how they shaped till the second.

  First of all we should create connection between green and concrete not. There will be concentric connection and how we apply to this is important. Some points there will be direct relation with streets while some of them it just create connection with only houses. We actually take guide as a surrounding buildings. Where 4-5 parcel lines come together, there is some  longitudinal houses and where there is linear order there is actually same rhythm across the street. So this is our starting point to the area. But there are some problems like how we decided green widthness and also there are lots of entrances from the street which lost meaning of our aim. And then next step appear in the light of these problems. 
  This progress, we again regard green space problem  but our one of the biggest concern is how green take place between houses and where it happened. So we give more attention to this issue. Green needs sunlight and 1 meter or 2 meter is not definite numbers which we are looking for. Also there are lots of adjoint houses in this plan and we should solve it. Last problem is about site is ordinariness of right houses. Then new idea appear. Induced- fit theory. We can use it in our site. Where house started to growth, oppositely against of it placed much more little area. And we try to show this in this semi-diagramatic site plan. Also as you can see there are lots of other details about it which we worked on it.

 This is the last progress of our site till the second pre-jury. As i can say before, number of entrances are started to lost meaning of design and then we reduce the number according to it. There is normally one road we have. We kept its entrance but there is no more road anymore and also from now on every houses behave like big pieces. They will not divide anymore. Just where we have entrances there are opennes we have. Also bottom of the plan there is commercial areas which people can visit and they differ themselves from other part of the site. 


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