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Reading XI : The Renaissance : Ideal and Fad and Spain and The New World and Istanbul and Venice

The Renaissance : Ideal and Fad

After changing islamic culture of Spain, some new culture occur like Gothic chapel. King also wanted to decrease importance of mosques and for that reason whether mosques turn into church or near mosques some huge cristian structures built. But there are some duality because structure of mosque and church is different. To understand whether its church or mosque some kind of symbol needed. This confusion is also appropriate for architecture. For instance in Alhambra, classical forms, tuscan columns, head of the columns are from ionic era and interestingly, there is nothing relate with gothic era. 
 Leon battista Alberti is member of new architecture trends in Florence. When you look at the city, you can ignore old cities quality and also you may relate past and future and analyse it. One of them glorious past and other one is study of humanities and this situation makes it modern. It also affect art and we can see it in Brunelleschi. He transfer something from art to architecture. It helps to decrase the relation with gothic thoughts.
Alberti thinks that architecture is kind of service situation for people and according to him architecture is not only thing for function. If its just relate with function there is no need for architect.  But architect observe linear perceptions and make some calculation about buildings in here.
Rome has some regeneration in these times. There is huge alteration about architecture but when Nicholas died, it alter again and we can see copy strucures which is not good. But renaissance prevent these kind of situations in some manner. In Siena, there is litte school building. To sum up most significant change in Renassaince is that architecture accept as god level.

Spain and The New World

There is two important situation which create Renaissance: learning something about classical past and exploration of America. European Colonies start their interaction with Crusades attacks. Reaching China and India was their aim point and only land connection with these places is in Ottoman Empire. They were looked for new route. Spain and Porgugal are first examples for that. They did not explore something about other places; they learn some informations about other civilizations cultures and etc.

The American Scene

Spain is brain for exploring America and when they reach America, they also conquer lots of place in America. When Kolomb made his last voyage to America he encountered with Mayas.

The Maya

Mayas creation ideas in early christian era and three significan quality in there: Stone temples with corbel vault,stelai and hieroglif and polykroms. Architecture of mayas occur rapidly. Firstly, monumental temples-pyramids, top courts, palaces and top courts made in public areas.
Temples and Pyramids have long and perpendicular type.  There is narrow stairs and they have only one axis. So we can say that these temples and pyramids have some interior problems.

The Incas 

They did not very effective individual structures as Andean civilizations. They used high proportions in plans or they work in public manner generally. Their structures did not keep their qualities.

İstanbul And Venice

Both Europe and Asias complicated situations also affect Architecture. Firstly urban and rural settlements maintain importance of buildings in East while middle east churchs reform in North Europe. End of reform era, some protestan temples started to built but catholic churchs save its own quality. 
Population of Europe increase in unexpected manner and it shape settlements quality. People started to colonize in these times. Just İstanbul and Venice present us important changes in here.
İstanbul get rid of constantins and justinian's trace and even city has significant churchs and this kind of cultural qualities, reproducing is not hard thing for them. Also venedik is succesful in order of house in there. One architect is responsible for suitable house plan for homeless people.


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