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In eleventh century there are three different soul of political and cultural power. The Abbasid caliphate, Baghdad and whole of the Emperor of Islam except Spain.  Rivalcaliph who is the member of Umayyads. He manage the cosmopolitn civilization and capital city is Cordoba in here. There is great mosque and it reproduce lots of time for expansion. And its still valid todays.
We can see it trace of Byzantine in west. For instance, portable treasures,sketchbooks and directly traveling craftsmen. Master of Byzantine made lots of building out of their border. They also made something for Cordoba and they bring up local talents in there.


Carolingan Europe is the third soul in there. Area which under the charles (modern France,Germany and Italy) become a one thing with rulling class. This become happen in behaviour and organisation way. And architecture affect it directly. This ambitios labor is kind of turn into Rome. Architectural product is mixture of tradition and originality. At the same time it should include continuity in itself. We can see this situation in palace and church. There are some things about art and it maintain humanist ideal of classical art.


Its kind of political an economical development. We can  explain it like that: Religious architecture become richness (spectacular boom) in eleveth century.
There is four different roads which between France and Santiago.Three of them relate with Ronscevalles and other one pass to Paris. These roads are for pilgrims. And which pass to Paris has some old structures on the North of the road. St. Jean pide De port is one of them. This road also has international quality because of pilgrims different nation. To reach Paris, there are seven different gate. There are long and narrow streets which are lined and they end North Portal of the cathedral.


There is no certain Typology in there. It helps to create variation both religious and programmatic. Whole of this churchs giving importance to pilgrims route. This situation create colonization. But we can stil some trace of tradition in material, theme and form.

Ste foy at Conques
Ste foy is paradigm that five or six famous church meet in Santiago. First church create with reproduce. Carolingan structure was reproduced in eleventh century and it turn a church. Also this structures sophisticate qualities is importan in there.
When we look at plan of church, there are two aisle which are continius. And there are also sanctuary is unfold with column and semicircular ambulatory open ino three little chapel. There are also two other chapels which are unequal and two rectangular tower. This church help us to understand main principles of ste foy.

Facade of church is interesting thing. Lots of facade unfinished in Romanesque Churchs. Unlike Mosque of Cordoba these churchs allows to compozitional expansion. So restoration and rebuilding idea become more sense with this situation. Other important thing is that while church reproduced, priority is its function. After that they worked on its defensive way. Also its visibility is important for them. So decoration idea comes as a last thing.

We can see three different place in Ste foy. All of them is relate with different aim. For instance while one of them is create for religion, other one is much more relate with ceremony. So Ste foy is good example for Romanesque Churchs.


Ste foy has some differences than other basilical churchs. There is no atrium, western counter apse or multilevel entrance.We can say that this differences is giving importance for sanctuary.


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