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The site is choosen by Romulus. Main reason for choosing this are is related with avoiding battles and using trade in strong manner. According to vitruvius Italy between north and south like Jupiter and Mars.This place is the most appropriate place for manage the world. Temple of Rome is like perfect composition and its the top of the world.


Rome has its own italic character and this character like irregular city form. We can show this irregular type in early Italy towns. Greek and etruscan colonies has their own geometrical principles and this principles also transferred Rome. One of them is appear when Rome built new towns : north-south, east-west is locate for meeting points. Architecture is kind of civilizing and certain meaning of it related with making Romes visibility. Civil buildings has affected by armies. architecture affect by army in these times.


 Even if Rome has root of Italian culture, early Roman cities' standard buildings affected by Hellenistic east and improve in that way. Rome has problem with curve. We encounter Vault in there. Its meaning both roll and turn. In Rome any shape of vaulted spaces is different than normal spaces.



In hadrian times Roman Empire use its material infrastructure and growth for this condition. Euphrate river made natural border in east for Persians. Desert of Egypts also has border with Rome and there are some commercial movements in water. Growth of Hadrian is change something in that way negatively. Because these times the world has peace. Jewish people made some well-built structures in these times. 

In Jerusalem, every corner has construction and every of them is part of Empire. Hadrian is sponsor most of them like Athens and Ostia. Geometry also use in well manner in decoration. Trajan is like an cycle forum which are related with lots of other functional building.


Its an panthenon and north of this panthenon related with sea and its shape is like this: Enclose forum, narrow and long and has connection with temple. Egyptian Granit is use in there, doors are made from bronze. When we analyze interior design of it we encounter deceptive detail about it. Classical niches and precious stones create six meter long walls and for dome, there are 5000 tons of supports was used. Also we show that load and support are not connected directly.


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