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Here comes the prejury again. I think I can use this sentence as a headline for this post. Whatever. Lets start with what did I do before prejury:


Section of Penisula, 1/200 And 1/500 Plan

Firstly we should create our paths for 1,5 and 15 people. While they use this path their aim will be different and in the light of this situation, I divide whole of the routes. When people plan to come Eymir, their first need is interaction with nature. And when I look at Penisula which we work on Eymir, North side of it is suitable for that: high pinewood, natural happened paths, eliminated sunrise , wine, girls... (lol) This route present variation in itself and this variation helps fifteen people to walk in here. In prejury, we should explain one of the our routes and I try to explain my path for fifteen people. Actually 1/500 plan should include whole of routes and I should show my main principles much like diagram in this one. Im not sure whether they are enough to explain something or not. On the other hand, 1/200 scaled plan should explain one of these routes and location of paths trees and structures should be much more detailed. I think I failed in that one. Try to improve it.  Here is my 1/500 and 1/200 plan sketches.

 As you can see purple colored one is my route for fifteen people. It divide into two and this division happen because of contrast qualities of my path. In the light of prejury and critics I plan to work on how can I improve this contrast principles. Also there are some spaces which paths create expand. In prejury, I just work on one of them which is largest one. In there there is a rock which is natural and much more open in here. Observing penisulas nature is much more easy but this rock need some changes. Im not sure that how can I supply that protect natures own quality. And decided to make a terrace and stairs in here.



In this model I work on contour line to benefit from penisulas quality. Its a rough terrain and slope become importance in here. Also because of importance of nature, I should also show place  of trees. And of course my path is key element in here. Here is my 1/200 scaled contour line model


Detail model is much more different than 1/200. I should focus on how material comes together and their relation between each other. Material is important thing in here and while I choose material, I could not change nature of penisula. And here is my detail model:


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