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New Order 

Time after time Greece start to lost its power and after that they found new style: Synoecism. Its related with Aristotles' early greek urbanization. While in these times Polis meaning start to improve in Europe, fate of the Greece affect this situation negatively. War between Athens and Sparta shape meaning of police in that way. When people did not find any job for them, they become a member of army and it create colonization.
In architecture there are some applications which are related with observations in abstractial way. Hinge between Hellenistic and Classical periods is important thing in there. On the other hand politics and wars did not always totally create form but they affect form.

The case of Bassae

Temple of Apollo become important structure in this topic. Its create with great gray limstone and details calculate very carefully. There is different orientation of north and south. When Iktınos made this, he thinks that temples should look at north. Also while this building created the main think may related with its 3d view from other villages. Other interesting thing that is cella. This is the first example of information about Corinthia.

The Noble Metropolis

Public funds use for temple wall and road in polis. Also frame is change and expand in noble metropolis. Its much more independent but rural areas are not enough to settle these times. Also classical polis' have significant structures and monuments like Athens. 

Determinants city form

Grid keeps its importance in this era. Also there are some dynamic works which are vertical and three dimensional. And root of these is Halicarnassus. And most important example of it The Attalid, Capital of the Pergamon.
Alexander give much importance for aesthetic in walls but in Hellenistic era priority is masonry and durability. Also usage of underground is change and for instance meaning of vault evolve. Cities not only grow overground but also underground. Actually its just a kind of obligation.


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