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War between Greeks and Persians affect Greek Architecture directly. Quality of temples increased and they become more neat. (Pediment and metope are good examples for this topic.) For instance, Temple of Zeus damaged because of war and it started to restorate.
After war, Greeks start to regeneration work in architecture and they did it in short time.They built 3 temples and 1 gateway which are become key element for Greece. While it was built, responsible of these buildings decide that city should give powerful message to other civilizations and they decide in that way. And in this times, Athens is most popular and crowded city for Greece. It affect this situation directly. There are some long walls, well-developed harbors and these kind of structures in it. So the message is succesful in that manner.


House of Greece is similar with mesopotamian house. It surrounded by court and houses turned inward. Also these courts have cistern and altar. Function of rooms are not well-ordered. To seperate rooms, there were some little platforms which are also use as sitting. Also there were some Androns which are stay at corner and it purpose is lighting. On the other hand, there were some well-designed houses and they include long narrow rooms in the north, which are called as Pastas. And megarons use as functional form in there.

Grid became popular in Greece to order and shape colonies. It helps to make sensible its terrain and control to growth of the city. Also it use to seperate people in hierarchical way. After this seperation, also people start to hire terrain. Hirer are generally have middle income. But situations did not happen in planned way and middle incomers move away from the cities because of needed of colonization.


Miletus is one of the greatest examples for usage of Grid. City has orthagonal plan and grids do not follow in main points. It benefit from shape of terrain and thanks for that cities reach measurement of penisula.


Agora is a space in unequal city and one way of stoa is more deeper. Because of its height, it also use for speech. Stoa of Miletus has some difference when it compared with other stoas. It is also limited with its sides. Stoa of Miletus emphasize open space and while it did this, it did not close the area totally. Stoa also has porticolar and it use for both transition and limiting.


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