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Reading I:The Study of What we built

History of architecture is just kind of a trip and to understand details of architecture all kind of information should be regarded. For instance when any building is analysed the era of this building, creator of this building and aim of building can be helpful. Also sketches, drawings and diagrams are key element for architecture. Every diagram has its own language and with this language understanding of what is design process of structure can be more easy. They also help architects to see next step of their designs. Not only drawings but also writings can be guidance about analysing structure.

There are lots of building which did not create with professional way. In ancient eras, generally magnificent structures build for nobles. Not only buildings but also any other artial creatures created for nobles and thats an evidence for historical relation between art and architecture. Also traditional architecture gain popularity time after time and it brings architecture without architect idea. According to this idea, everyone should understand structure whether he/she is an architect or not. Possibly, this idea comes some arguments with it. On the other hand this idea help us to seperate building and structure idea.

While building created it should be related with its environment . For instance if there is no parthenon in acropolis most probably this place has different plan. And while architect design something, he/she shouldnt forget that even structure hass concrete informations, there are also other side of the medallion which is abstract way which comes from buildings environment and other circumstances. Perception involves in this topic and it divide thoughs to two:topical and archeological. Topical way is related with todays analyse and archeological is much more related with past experiences.

Actually architecture is not much more than creating places for any purpose. And this purpose can  alter in different places like west and east. There are some significant differences between west and east but of course there are some interaction between west and east. And while understanding meaning of architecture we have two constant elements : time and purpose. Time brings sequence with it. Chronological order is important while investigate building and actually every ancient building is a important source for next building because information transfer time after time. Tradition is also important for architecture and time include tradition in itself. But tradition is critical point in there. Because copying any building is not tradition its just a kind of information thieft and it also damage prototype building. Purpose is also another point in there and its related with rituel. When we summarize idea with John Ruskin, while build something perception of human minds is much more important that its proportion.


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