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Reading II: The Cave and The Sky: Stone Age Europe and Reading III: The Rise of the city: Architecture in western asia


When architecture was started is debatable thing. But primitive humans temples can be accept as first architecture buildings. Also plan of the world is another quality in there: caves, rivers, lakes and other things can regarded as  architecture. So, we have architecture for so long.


Both structures technology and rituel usage of architecture increase rapidly. Neanderthals and cro-magnons start to create some materials in these times.To protect themselves from air conditions, they use fur outside of the structures. Also they negotiate with nature in religion principles. This situation affect hunters directly. Death is a mysterious thing for them and architecture change in the shape of death and religion. Caves become temples for example. And hunters start to use art as a intermediate. Art is a huge significance in there. Because art is much more different than physical world and thanks to art we can find a clue about ancient eras.  Cave in Lascaux is a good example for that. There are some sketches about hunting and its a very important findings for nineteenth century Europe. And it helps to understand this eras conditions.


While old stone age hunters work in Lascaux cave, Europe has serious air condition situations. Its a hot temperature which thaw ice and change climate conditions. And with this changes world start to make something in agriculture and pottery. Even it seems to easy actually its not. Population growing rapidly and finding food become much harder day to day. Stable life, technology and resource need for this. When they reach this situation it called as "neolithic" era. New world life cycle was created and world start to improve itself. Architecture has unbeliavable importance in this cycle.

Before Jesus in Western Europe some stone stone structures was built. When thaw situation happening huge rocks appeared and people start to do something with these stones. Carrying and mining these materials could not easy but one way or another they built.

Before this age, normally, immigrants use timber and mud in their houses and these buildings is not durable for air conditions. And other places use their resources and their material of buildings shape around their resources.

Temples of malta is important building for investigation. There are two important structure in malta and both of them about religion. But their construction time is wide when they compared with other structures. The reason is design concept and they did not decide design of the temples. And these two temples are clue for variety in europe. Also they are transition buildings in neolithic age. They respect their past and trace of old times principles can be seen in these two buildings.

To reach structure we need two groups and these two groups should meet at same point.



Life style is much more different between Asia and Europe in Neolithic age. While Neolithic Europe use stone and they have huge importance stone in their economy, western asia use metal, food in industry and save their situations with writings. Actually Asia modernise before Europe and they dispose of neolithic age. This shape their lifestyle and they have settled life. While Stone structures represent neolithic age, specific location of structure represent city innovations. City has walls rivers streets doors, origins and squares. And most important thing is that city innovation can not affect relation between nature and human.


In old cities there are 3 principles: Human, resource and ambition. What human needs and what environments supply for them and this kind of questions key element in there. This times people always findings  for their welfare. And when they settled there were no hierarchical differences. They share works in the light of their physical quality. This habit create hierarcy time after time. Just temple did not affect hierarcy situation because everyone visit temple for religion.

Jericho: There are lots of talkings about first settlement but no one have any specific example or date for them. But most durable and old example for Western Asia is Jericho. It has enclosed area and there are no street. Brick, mud and tile use for homes.

Khirokitia: This city has first true city conditions and city has open shape. They also used material for natural disasters and there are no hierarchical difference.

Çatalhöyük: Most important neolithic settlement for Asia. Maybe they did not know forge totally but they use metal actively. Also there are some clues about trades in this place. It benefit from both khirokitia and jerichos quality. And we can see some qualities of past eras and neolithic ages.


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