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Sometimes one idea transform in different intellect and everything can change. Thats what we do in studio this semestr. A months ago, I have just some observations about how bracelet create and now I have 4 models which are totally different each other. First one only has stick form elements (linear), Second one only has cartridge board (planar), third one has both of these elements and final model also include transparent element with stick and cartridge board. And I can say that all of these four models has some similarity but elements and their aim alter everything unbelievably.

Firstly I desire to mention how everything started briefly. I need to observe one craft and I chose bracelet. Instead how bracelet was created, steps are important for me. (Like repetition, continuity, convergence,divergence and etc.) After that I transfered these steps in my flow chart. Then I saw that steps also create groups and these groups repeat itselves. Then when we were making model, I adapted this repetition idea in my First model. Defining any real action in stick form element is really unusual experience for me. When I did it , I have two operation chance: Addition and rotation. And with using repetition continuity and etc. I reach my first stick element model. Generally I try to define more area and when I do it I divide spaces thanks to sticks. This is my first model and after learning new idea about elements new variations came.

In second model we get rid of stick elements and we start to use cartridge board. Actually I admit that working with stick is really easy when we compared with cartridge board. I could transfer my steps into my new model and even they are not exactly the same, some connection is made between linear and planar models. Being linear increase the complexity and create new grids. It has both positive and negative qualities. It defines new space but also lost connection between linear model. I endeavour get rid of linearity with planar elements but this idea is not easy applicable situation,actually. Because I still keep to flow chart. When some of my planar model' parts has enormous complexity, other ones still has linearity.This is one of the most important critic for my model and it remains valid thru final model.(I benefit from this linearity in final model) These differences between places create parts. Three main part occur because of differences. One part satisfactory about defining space in well condition but especially one part is too weak about this situation.This is not only problem about my model. It has also durability problems which occur because of material. Lecturers said that this is not a big deal now but one way or another I should fine a good solution for that. Whatever, when I think it finish and expect new assignment which is irrelevant, new variation come: Bringing first two model together.

When creating something is hard thing they expected bringing and creating new model to us. I should shift one model into other one. On the contrary planar model, linear model has not any defined part and these two models have some huge differences. So shifting them reveal new problem : Irrelevant part. I have stretch and eliminate chance in there and take advantage of them. Now connection between planar and linear element is more clear. And shifting action start to define new volume.( Till here we have no idea about volume but in there volumetric relations included.) After some observation, I changed something to increase and decrease level of volume. I did not prefer eliminate if this is not necessary because I thought that I can use every little part to define something. Generally stick form was altered. When it finished,there are still 3 main parts I have (like planar model) and stick elements adapt this. Even some parts have no relation other element, lots of part has powerful connection with each other. Planar elements also same qualities in its parts. Till now, there are no discussion about theme. But final model everything gonna change.

There are lots of theme and they gave randomly to us. My themes are deduce and converge. I have to chance to use both of them or choose one. Firstly I made some research about what my words actually mean and light of meanings start thinking about how can I apply this. Deduce is more abstract word for me and I chose converge. My first idea is more about coming my planar and linear element in one single coordinate point in each part. And made something according to this idea. In prejury, Juries gave me some important critics. My idea is not strong for my theme and according to jury, I should think more metaphorical. And after that I decided to meet two parts which have totally contrast qualities. And they should meet other part which has both of these two parts qualities in itself. And start to work in that way. Complex part and linear part in meet same place in final model. Inner place has more complex idea and outer place should has more linearity. And also if convergence part is between linear and complex part, it can reveal convergence connection more clearly. So, I turn whole of one planar part and make familiar with them. Thus, I enjoy the best of both worlds. I find a cure for durability problem and it explains my theme in good way. Also ,as you remember, I have some linearity problem in planar model. Linear places use for contrast idea in there. If I do not have these linear place, I can not use my theme in that way. Another fact is final model, we have acetate and how we use acetate is important discussion topic for us. I use this to avoid irrelevant part and lose volume in some parts.It still continues and most probably I will change something about my final model. But I can easily say that making model is not what it looks like.


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