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06 Assignment Variation I

In older post, I share something about making bracelet process and converting that to a stick (linear) model. After this model,our lecturers gave time for revising our model. ( We can use thanks to our lecturers in here, lol) Whatever, after some addition, I create this model: (cartridge board is supportive element in here, its not a part of this model)

 And we think that we reach final production with this model. But of course its not final production and now we should  change the way of making rotation addition and branch. Now we should work on cartridge board and we have to make new model for this assignment. If you think we suprised after this assignment,you make a huge mistake. Because we know its just a starting and it becomes more complicated time after time. ( You can most probably see next parts of this assignment in new post)

Working on Cartridge board has both negative and positive ways. But I can easily say gluing cartridge board each other is one of the most crucial problem I have ever seen. Peligom is not very effective tool for this and we can't use pattex anymore. We should find a solution and absolutely we find a new way for gluing : SILICON.

Lets talk about technical way of difference of linear and planar elements. As you know we have some rules for doing model. And linear element is more limited than planar elements. When we try to branch something we have limited selections with linear model. On the other hand, with planar element, we have more option and every new decision may define new thing. So, it creates a huge difference between two models as you see below :


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