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Structural Frame (05 Assignment)

                  Im here with my new assignment today. End of this assingnment,we should analyse a system to understand and reflect its abstract operational structure. And for achieving this aim we need to find small-scale production or manifacturing and observe their action. Thus, we can find a source and observe some keywords like rhythm, convergence, divergence repetition, continuity,fractical grid and etc. When we observe these elements,also we should take a picture,record a video or other medium for showing our observation and post to our blog. In this way, I decide that visit hamamonu. In here there are lots of different small-scale production but my choice should has keyword. After some research, wristlet (or jewellery) seems to me best way for showing that. So,I took some videos and pictures to post here. Below you see youtube link, which has wristlet video made by myself. ( I encounter some problems when I try to share directly in wordpress) And also I made poster which includes my observation pictures. I hope you like it.


Here is my video:

 If its not satisfactory sharing for you, I have also a poster and flowing chart.


After first part of assignment, we have flowing chart which is lead us to make structural frame. And in this part,I should made structural frame with obeying the rules. According to assignment sheet, it just permit that 42mm wooden stick for making frame. Also we have limited rotation and one branching operation. This homework also has time but before holiday, I produce one model. Of course it has probability to progress till friday and this is just a preview for my model.



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