Everybody knows that drawing something is not easy action for first year student in architecture ,but actually this assignment is more challenging than what we expected. When you look at this picture, it may not resemble something in your mind, but actually this is one of the most unique structure in the world. Its name is Royal National Theatre, its in Southbank, London and real type of building is this And here is some information about Royal National Theatre : Sir Denys Louis Lasdun, (8 September 1914–11 January 2001) is an Architect of this building. Royal National Theatre is one of the most significant BRUTAL DESIGN in U.K We again encounter two person in there: Le Corbusier and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Denys Lasdun also influenced by these two important architect. Im not sure about whether my drawing has good qualities or not but im sure that when you abstract it with horizontal or vertical lines, it will spend not only your time but also your...