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Showing posts from November, 2014

The Poster that never comes (03 assignment)

I just quote that one of the most popular Metallica song’s name for title. As you wish, you can listen in this link  : And here is my new work on Photoshop. Before i made this poster ,  I read LE CORBUSIER’ “Pure creation of the mind” part and also I watched BERNSTEIN, L. ” What does music mean?” , young people’s concerts. Then i try to blend these two material in my mind and reveal some important words. And finally made this poster in Photoshop cs3. I still have some hesitation about my headline colour which is related to harmony but I didn’t find any good alternative because of background colours. Whatever, here is my posterz


At the beginner of the text, we directly show that if we want to reach harmony,we also need to proportion. This make sense lots of work but it also creates arguably thing: Don’t we reach harmony without proportion? And in my opinion we can not limit that way of reaching harmony. I approve proportion is one of the best way for reach that but without caring proportion, we can also find a way to create harmony. Next pages author more talk about axis which creates harmony and use specific examples to make his thoughts more understandable. He refers nature’s perfectionist calculation, easible understanding proportion and accord. So he reach that clear statement with these referations. It reveals that new discussion topic about if we can’t read work-art easily, should we say that it’s not a succesful artpiece? On the other hand he said that pure creation of the mind is a product of clear statement,unity of the work,fundamental attitude and a character . I totally agree this opinion because ...


In the text,writer wants to emphasize that regulating line is really important thing for architecture. According to him, regulating lines are inevitable element of architecture. It also important for understanding structure. And not only near era but also since humanity,people have this regulating lines on their building. Writer use some examples to support importance of regulating lines. For instance primitive man use his body(hands,foots and etc.) for reaching true measurement. They create regulating lines in their minds and thanks to their eyes they coordinate their structures with using their bodies. And they always focus on solidity and utility when they product something.  These primitive men not only use their body but also use their instinct for creating something. When they decorate their structure,they behave according to their instinction. But they never use their instinct for measurement. They use geometry when they scale their items. Suprisingly, these geometrical ...